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app da morena fm

Lynda Law Soul Show

Linda Law
Fri 1800 GMT

World Mix

Rupert Palmer
Sun 1700 GMT

Putumayo World Music Hour

With Rosalie Howarth

Mon 22h00 GMT

Founded in 1987, Morena FM was the first station in the Americas to only use digital music and commercials, back in 1991. We broadcast 24/7 online since 1998 and have listeners in 52 countries. Since 2020 Morena FM added English spoken programs to expand its reach abroad.

You search for a cool radio station, that plays rock, pop, blues, reggae, dance, brazilian music, fhash backs and new music. But where is it? Which radio does that? Morena FM does. You search for a radio station near you and find... Morena FM. Wherever you are in the workd, it's just a click away. You want a radio station to hear 24/7, live. That's Morena FM, broadcasting the best music from all over the world. Ok, there are presenters and commercials in Portuguese and you can't understand them. But the music is great and diverse. Come surf in our radio waves.